
have problem with primeNG when using <p-captcha > tag

i'm using angular 16.0.0 and primeng 16 . trying to add google recaptcha v3 to my project. in primeng website guide it seems to easy but after add

" import {CaptchaModule} from 'primeng/captcha'; "

to my "app.module.ts" file , angular gives an error : " Cannot find module 'primeng/captcha' or its corresponding type declarations. " and so can't use tag .

looking for a solution but a lot of references using bootstrap ! tried to install package 'primeng/captcha' but found nothing , for another test i make captcha folder on primeng folder and added older version of primeng Captcha files to that but didn't answer like the others. another prefer packages makes no change as result.


  • The p-captcha component was removed from v15

    For more detail please check:

    issue #12781

    commit #cc035e4