I have Google app script deployed as web app it works will first time, but it is broken now
here are steps to regenerate the problem
and Index.html
function doGet() {
Logger.log("endpoint is executed!");
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Index');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
Hello, World!
Problem when I go to the link took too long to respond with this error in console
Uncaught ReferenceError: loadTimeData is not defined at HTMLDocument.onDocumentLoad
However, the logs on server side says all things are correctly Done
I was thought it's a Google server fault and will recover after some time, but it still exists more than 5 day!
I am new to the Google app script
Hi! Welcome on using Google Apps Script. I have accessed your live link and it seems that it shows that it works already.
For starters the error it seems that it is calling a function that is not included in your current code which brings 2 things. Incorrectly named files or the deployment is not yet updated.
If it still exist on your machine I suggest try to do a basic trouble shooting like clearing cache and cookies (please be careful with this one as important information might be affected during the clearing).
If you have further question or any hurdles along the way the feel free to ask additional questions.