I have the following code.
fake: Faker = Faker()
class CollectionFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = Collection
django_get_or_create = ('title', )
title = fake.word(part_of_speech='noun')
class ProductFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = Product
# django_get_or_create = ('title',)
title = fake.word(part_of_speech='noun')
slug = fake.slug()
description = fake.text()
unit_price = fake.pydecimal(max_value=1000, min_value=1, right_digits=2)
inventory = fake.random_number(digits=4)
last_update = fake.date_time_ad(start_datetime=datetime(1998, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), end_datetime=datetime.now())
# collection = CollectionFactory()
collection = factory.SubFactory(CollectionFactory)
class TestListProduct:
def test_product1(self, api_client, product_factory):
product_factory: ProductFactory = product_factory
prods = Product.objects.all() # Problem: all of these products have the same title
cols = Collection.objects.all()
assert Product.objects.count() == 1
But the problem is that when I am doing the test all of the products are identical, I need them to at least have different titles. How do I achieve this?
Your fake.word(part_of_speech='noun')
is not a factory that produces nouns, but it generates a single noun that is then used.
But you are probably also using the wrong faker: the Faker
of the Faker
package, not the one wrapped around it with the factory_boy
from factory.faker import Faker
class ProductFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = Product
title = Faker('word', part_of_speech='noun')
the same for all other uses of the Faker
, like slug
, description
, etc.