I have a backend written in molecular.js and I have multiple services. Now, I want to measure the action response times so I can know and optimize actions before going live. Any suggestions/comment will work. Maybe there is a npm package out there or should I code it in the app itself.
I tried to find some good package but found nothing.
If you use Moleculer 0.14, there is built-in metrics and tracing. Both can be useful to measure the execution time of action calls.
Metrics https://moleculer.services/docs/0.14/metrics You can configure the Console reporter, or Prometheus reporter and see the measured metrics in Grafana
For the Console reporter, you can use includes to filter the metrics:
// moleculer.config.js
module.exports = {
metrics: {
enabled: true,
reporter: [
type: "Console",
options: {
includes: ["moleculer.request.time"]
Tracing https://moleculer.services/docs/0.14/tracing
The tracing collect spans of action calls. You can use the Console exporter which prints the whole action call tracing spans to the console:
// moleculer.config.js
module.exports = {
tracing: {
enabled: true,
exporter: {
type: "Console",
options: {
// Custom logger
logger: null,
// Using colors
colors: true,
// Width of row
width: 100,
// Gauge width in the row
gaugeWidth: 40