
Is there a way of finding prime factors of 6521405-digit numbers?

I am trying to make a compression algorithm which works by getting all the prime factors of an integer representation of the file. My code looks like this:

import sys
from primefac import primefac

f = open("root\\dance.gif", 'rb')
#dance.gif is a gif of a goose doing a fortnight dance
file =
dec = int.from_bytes(file)
factors = list(primefac(dec))

dec has the value:


And I would like to find the factors in under a year.


  • Factoring large numbers is hard. Very hard in fact. Interestingly, the security of the RSA cryptosystem (which is a very common encryption scheme used about everywhere) is based on the difficulty of factoring a large number N into prime numbers. If you were to find an efficient algorithm to factor large numbers into primes, you would have thus broken RSA encryption (and would be able to become very rich by selling this knowledge to a government agency of your choice).

    As such, the answer to your question is: No, its not (currently) possible to efficiently factor large integers into prime factors. There is scientific research happening which may enable quantum computers to help with that by using Shor's_algorithm in the future (and there are already results for smaller integers), but right now, its not possible.

    Wikipedia has a nice overview about the challenges and current known algorithms for integer factorization.