
How to understand source index in muilti-index NEST query?

I have two indices in my ElasticSearch, let's name them "trusted" and "untrusted". Both indices have the same template/fields/settings.

Based on some flag I perform a NEST query to one or both indices.

var indices = request.IncludeUntrustedSources
            ? new[] {"trusted", "untrusted"}
            : new[] {"trusted"};

var searchResponse = await _client.SearchAsync<SearchResultItem>(c => c
    .Query(q => q.Bool(_ => query))
    .Sort(ss => ss

The SearchResultItem type is a simple POCO. I want to set the value of the field "TrustedSource" of SearchResultItem to true or false depending on the source index.

How can I understand from which index each item came?


  • Instead of getting matched documents from searchResponse.Documents you can get results from searchResponse.Hits which also contains search results metadata like Index which will help you distinguish matched document source.

        .Select(x =>
            x.Index == "trusted" 
                ? x.Source with { TrustedSource = true } 
                : x.Source with { TrustedSource = false });
    record SearchResultItem(int Id, bool TrustedSource);