Being new to Mujoco, I just created a dummy scene in mujoco for which I now try to control some of the objects in it. The scene contains a fixed table on which a movable book is places, which can be moved by controlling the actuated spatula frame:
xml = """
<light name="top" pos="0 0 1"/>
<body name="table" pos="0 0 0.025">
<geom name="plate" type="box" size="0.25 0.2 0.025" rgba=".8 .8 .8 1"/>
<geom name="bound0" type="box" size=".25 .01 .05" pos="0 -.19 .075"/>
<geom name="bound1" type="box" size=".01 .19 .05" pos="-.24 .01 .075"/>
<body name="booklink" pos="0 0 0.065">
<geom name="book" type="box" size=".1 .05 .0125" rgba="0 1 0 1" mass=".1"/>
<body name="spatulalink" pos="0 0 .2">
<joint name="transX" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" limited="true" range="-.6 .6"/>
<joint name="transY" type="slide" axis="0 1 0" limited="true" range="-.6 .6"/>
<joint name="transZ" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" limited="true" range="-.6 .6"/>
<joint name="hingeX" type="hinge" axis="1 0 0" limited="true" range="-3.2 3.2"/>
<joint name="hingeY" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0" limited="true" range="-3.2 3.2"/>
<joint name="hingeZ" type="hinge" axis="0 0 1" limited="true" range="-3.2 3.2"/>
<geom name="spatula" type="box" size=".05 .05 5e-4" rgba="1 1 0 1" friction=".1 .1 .1" mass=".1"/>
<position ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-.6 .6" joint="transX"/>
<position ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-.6 .6" joint="transY"/>
<position ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-.6 .6" joint="transZ"/>
<position ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-3.2 3.2" joint="hingeX"/>
<position ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-3.2 3.2" joint="hingeY"/>
<position ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-3.2 3.2" joint="hingeZ"/>
model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_string(xml)
data = mujoco.MjData(model)
Now my question is how I can properly run a trajectory in this environment during which I control the robot. Naively, I tried to put some controls by directly writing into data.qpos
and data.qvel
. This creates the desired motions, but the objects tunnel through each other, i.e., there are collisions of the geometries, which I of course do not want. You can see a picture of this here (you see the yellow spatula object going through the boundary in collision):
Now, after some reading, I now learned that the correct way of controlling actuators / joints in Mujoco is instead to set the controls directly, which in my case would be data.crtl = some_position_vector
. I do this as follows:
# Construct a BSpline to interpolate the via-points
spline_ref = BSpline_reference(data.qpos[7:], data.qvel[6:], data.time)
spline_ref.append(path, times, data.time)
with mujoco.viewer.launch_passive(model, data) as viewer:
# Close the viewer automatically after 30 wall-seconds.
start = time.time()
sim_steps = int(n_steps // tau)
i = 0
while viewer.is_running(): #and i < sim_steps:
# Get a target position from the reference spline using current sim state
qreal = data.qpos[7:]
qDot_real = data.qvel[6:]
qref, qDotref = spline_ref.getReference(qreal, qDot_real, data.time)
data.ctrl = q_ref
mujoco.mj_step(model, data)
# Pick up changes to the physics state, apply perturbations, update options from GUI.
# Slow down sim. for visualization
i += 1
Somehow, the movement I get from this is completely different than when I set data.qpos
directly. Can someone explain to me how the controls can be set properly?
What you have in your model are position actuators, which apply a torque or force of kp * (q_desired - q) - kv * qdot
. So the position is not set magically as it would when you set qpos directly.
The defaults are kp="1"
and kv="0"
. kp
might be too small for your system.
Similarly to how you would on a real robot, you should tune the gains on your position actuators so you get the responsiveness you want without introducing unwanted oscillations.
Note that the kv parameter will essentially create a reference velocity of zero. If you want to track a reference velocity, as well as position, you could add extra velocity actuators to your model, and set the ctrl entries for those to your qDotref.