
shareChannel effect on Gatling gRPC

I have a scenario to run 5000 bidiStream gRPC Users ramping up 2 Users / sec, this is my current settings

val grpcConf = grpc(managedChannelBuilder(s"${url}").usePlaintext())
val settings_Result = grpc("name")
    .bidiStream[RequestName, ResponseName](RelayServerGrpc.METHOD, "NameStream")
//exec scenario
      .header(metadataObject.Authorization)(s"Bearer ${metadataObject.TokenKey}")
      .endCheck(statusCode is Status.Code.OK)

Usually I will start to get INTERNAL errors at around 1800 Users (timestamp 900 sec), but when I turn on .shareChannel it would appear sooner at 900 Users (timestamp 450 sec). I have tested same scenario with both settings around 3-4 times to ensure the cause is from enabling .shareChannel

So I would want to ask the effect of .shareChannel to know more and improve this script, please help me on this.


  • If shareChannel is used, all the virtual users share the same ManagedChannel.

    One ManagedChannel (roughly speaking) uses one single TCP connection for all requests.

    Multiple stubs on a managed channel in grpc?
    TCP sessions with gRPC

    Sharing the TCP connection lowers resource consumption, so a higher throughput might be reached. This can be useful if the server's capability to handle a large amount of connections is not important in the load test.

    In your case it seems that your server (or the load generator, or the network) cannot handle a large amount of in-flight requests in a single connection. That's OK, just don't use the shareChannel option. The load test is more realistic that way.