
How conditionally add an HTML attribute to an element in Astro

I am using Astro and TypeScript.

How do I add conditionally an HTML attribute rel="noreferrer" to an element in Astro?

So when targetBlank = false it doesn't render rel attribute in the dom?

Or is the only solution to conditionally show another HTML element?

type Props = {
  to: string;
  targetBlank?: boolean;

const { to, targetBlank = false } = Astro.props;

  target={targetBlank === true ? '_blank' : '_self'}
  rel={targetBlank === true ? 'noreferrer' : ''}
  <slot />


  • use undefined:

    type Props = {
      to: string;
      targetBlank?: boolean;
    const { to, targetBlank = false } = Astro.props;
      target={targetBlank === true ? '_blank' : '_self'}
      rel={targetBlank === true ? 'noreferrer' : undefined}
      <slot />