
How can I get input in POSIX-UEFI?

I want to make a DOS-inspired UEFI operating system, simple, a good place to start. Take in commands and run those commands, but I don't quite get the "Take in commands" part. In POSIX-UEFI, uefi.h has a custom printf, so I'm assuming it needs a custom scanf, given a different I/O system (educated guess).

I've tried quite a few things. I blatantly tried putting scanf in my code, and I got an implicit function declaration warning, so no scanf in uefi.h, it appears. I searched up loads of things and I didn't get anything back that was relevant to my problem, so I have came here.

Thanks in advance :).


  • From the looks of things, you end up using uefi services (fairly) directly. During startup, it initializes a global variable named ST to point to the UEFI system table, which looks like this (uefi.h, line 846):

    typedef struct {
        efi_table_header_t              Hdr;
        wchar_t                         *FirmwareVendor;
        uint32_t                        FirmwareRevision;
        efi_handle_t                    ConsoleInHandle;
        simple_input_interface_t        *ConIn;
        efi_handle_t                    ConsoleOutHandle;
        simple_text_output_interface_t  *ConOut;
        efi_handle_t                    ConsoleErrorHandle;
        simple_text_output_interface_t  *StdErr;
        efi_runtime_services_t          *RuntimeServices;
        efi_boot_services_t             *BootServices;
        uintn_t                         NumberOfTableEntries;
        efi_configuration_table_t       *ConfigurationTable;
    } efi_system_table_t;

    To read from the keyboard, you'll use the ConIn, which is a pointer to a simple_input_interface_t, which is defined as follows (uefi.h, line 576):

    typedef struct {
        efi_input_reset_t           Reset;
        efi_input_read_key_t        ReadKeyStroke;
        efi_event_t                 WaitForKey;
    } simple_input_interface_t;

    At a guess, you'll probably want to allocate a buffer of reasonable size. Then use WaitForKey/ReadKeyStroke to read keys and save them to the buffer until you get a carriage return.

    Then you can use something like sscanf to parse the content of the buffer.

