
Unable to create ADF Linked Service for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cluster

I am facing issue when creating a linked service from ADF for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSql CLuster.. Please help me to resolve the issue.


But I am getting error as below..

Linked service using details from Azure Subscription

I have tried to enter Manually too, But different error.

Linked service using details from Manual entry

I have tried to create a private endpoint to access but no success.


  • You are trying to link Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cluster with ADF, but there is no option to select it. This may be the reason for the error below:

    The value of the property '' is invalid: 'The remote name could not be resolved: '''.
    The remote name could not be resolved: ''

    To resolve this, select Azure Database for PostgreSQL and enter the details manually instead of using the subscription method.

    The following error occurs when selecting No encryption as the Encryption method during the creation of the Linked Service:

    28000: No pg_hba.conf entry for host "xxxxx", user "citus", database "citus"; no encryption. Check the network connectivity settings of your Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server. If Private Access (VNet integration) is selected, please use SHIR to connect.

    To fix this issue, choose SSL for the Encryption method and test the connection, as shown below:

    Enter image description here