I'm using nvchad neovim setup with typescript lsp. Lsp works just fine and opens me list with suggestions to autocomplete, but only when I start typing something. What I want to be able to do is to trigger this suggestions list to pop up by pressing some hotkey
There is how it looks like
I don't know if it useful, but I use next plugins for lsp:
Also nvchad configuration has auto setup for nvim-cmp and LuaSnip plugins. I didn't configure them manually
In NvChad, autocompletion is <C-Space> (Control + Space) by default
nvim-cmp is responsible for autocompletion.
If you want to change the default mapping, you have to add custom plugin options in NvChad (source):
M.plugins = "custom.plugins"
local plugins = {
-- this opts will extend the default opts
opts = {
mapping = {
["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping.complete(), -- Replace with whatever you want
return plugins
NOTE: This is true only to NvChad. For configuring with any other neovim config, consult the documentation.
I recommend creating your own config instead of using a ready-made distribution like NvChad. It gives you a deep understanding of neovim configuration. If you don't know where to start, check out kickstart.nvim