
Cannot change Feign Default client. PATCH mapping does not work

Config file

public class MyApiConfig {
    Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
        return Logger.Level.FULL;

    public OkHttpClient client() {
        return new OkHttpClient();

Client class

    name = "wallesterApi",
    url = "",
    primary = false,
    configuration = [MyApiConfig::class]
interface WallesterApi {

    @RequestMapping(value = ["/cards/{card_id}/replace"], method = [RequestMethod.PATCH])
    fun replaceCard(
        @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization") authorization: String,
        @PathVariable(name = "card_id") cardId: String
    ): WallesterCardResponse

application config with feign

        logger-level: full
    enabled: true

I have also dependencies

            <artifactId>feign-okhttp</artifactId> <!-- Required to use PATCH -->

Spring boot 2.7.3, Spring Cloud 2021.0.8

My HTTP PATCH requests fail with <--- ERROR ProtocolException: Invalid HTTP method: PATCH (4ms)

I tried guides that exist here, also tried http-client instead of okhttp

What I can see is that noting actually influences FeignAutoConfiguration class. I can't event get there with debug breakpoints. I still get default http client without PATCH support.


  • For some reason - adding dependencies or changing application.yml - was not a solution for me.

    I tried many different configurations and advices. I came to a custom solution, with overriding feign client configuration and client manually.

    I linked code that works for me in a simple example in GitHub

    Hope that will help somebody ^)