
Running main method defined in a test class in Spring Boot 3.2 from Maven?

Spring Boot 3.2 allows starting the application from a main method defined in the test scope. For example:

@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class TestBootstrap {

    fun mongoDbContainer() = MongoDBContainer("mongo:4.2.8")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Normally from command-line Maven, you can start a spring boot application like this:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

But this will run the main method defined in the Bootstrap class which doesn't start the docker container. I want to run the main method from "test" that loads the TestBoostrap configuration. How can I do this from command-line using Maven?


  • I found out how to do it:

    $ mvn spring-boot:test-run