
Move window to another screen on_key_press

I'm writing a simple image viewer and got to the point where I want to switch between displays.

I have a method that renders an image, inside there is:

 def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
            if symbol == key.S:
                if not self.msgbox_active:
                    self.msgbox_active = True

                    ret = int(choicebox(
                        msg='Choose screen to switch to',
                        title='Screen selection',
                        choices=[*range(1, len(self.screens) + 1)],

                    if ret and ret - 1 != self.show_on :
                        self.show_on = ret - 1
                        self.window.set_fullscreen(True, screen=self.screens[self.show_on])

                        self.msgbox_active = False
                    self.action = 'self'

I want to redraw a window, but due to fact that I need to initialize pyglet.window.Window earlier. When I window.close() and then initialize it over it complains about Unable to share contexts. My guess it's because there is one window already (although pyglet context documentation states that each window has it's own context. Is there a way to update screen attribute of Window without (or with) recreating it?


  • To move window to another screen we need:

     self.window.set_fullscreen(True, screen=self.screens[self.show_on])

    where self.show_on is number of screen to display image.