
Cancel Key before it is shown in NumericUpDown

When I type a key inside a NumericUpDown, it is shown even if I cancel it, no matter which Key event I put it into.

I tried cancelling the key in all those events: events

It does cancel but I always see it for a second before it changes.


  • I could achieve this requirement by simply clearing the Text property of the NumericUpDown instead of suppressing the third key:

    private void NumericUpDown1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (numericUpDown1.Value >= 10 && 
            e.KeyData is >= Keys.D0 and <= Keys.D9 or
                         >= Keys.NumPad0 and <= Keys.NumPad9) {
            numericUpDown1.Text = "";

    Maybe you will have to check for additional conditions like leading zeroes, depending on the exact requirement.

    Oh sorry, You want VB. Please, wait a moment...

    ... here is a VB version:

    Private Sub NumericUpDown1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs)
        If numericUpDown1.Value >= 10 AndAlso
            (e.KeyData >= Keys.D0 AndAlso e.KeyData <= Keys.D9 OrElse
             e.KeyData >= Keys.NumPad0 AndAlso e.KeyData <= Keys.NumPad9) Then
            numericUpDown1.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    It also seems like e.SuppressKeyPress = True is working in KeyDown.