
WillPopScope is deprecated in Flutter, What can we do Instance of WillpopScope?

WillpopScope is deprecared after v3.12.0-1.0.pre. you can find more details thought this link.

So, PopScope calss we can use directly instance of WillPopScope, so you can find more details by using this link.

and I faced some issues and I fix those are so I share my isses and answers as help for others,

1.How to prevent go to back when click defult back button on mobile devices,

return Scaffold(
      body: PopScope(
        canPop: true,
        onPopInvoked: (didPop) {

when I was making a game I want prevent goin to back when click the default back button, I fix it as above example.your's requirements are will be different but logic is same,

I thnink anyone can get help with this answer for solve your issues.


  •        Scaffold(
              body = PopScope(
                /// [canPop] is used to determine whether the current page can be popped or not.
                canPop: false,
                /// Called after a route pop was handled.
                /// It's not possible to prevent the pop from happening at the time that this method is called; the pop has already happened. Use [canPop] to disable pops in advance.
                /// This will still be called even when the pop is canceled. A pop is canceled when the relevant [Route.popDisposition] returns false, such as when [canPop] is set to false on a [PopScope]. The didPop parameter indicates whether or not the back navigation actually happened successfully.
                onPopInvoked: (didPop) {
                 if (didPop) {
                child: Container(),