I need to create unique users with (firstname, lastname, email, password) values each time I run load test (Sign Up).
I have already an empty CSV set config with firstname, lastname, email, password values. The problem is that Jmeter tries to create a new user with email that was used before. My goal is to run a load test for 10.000 unique users that I need to generate.
Please help!
You can try below solution:
1. Add JSR223 PreProcessor to your "Sign Up" request.
2. Add the following groovy code to the JSR223 PreProcessor for the 5 fields.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils
// Get the current Thread Number and Iteration Count
def threadNumber = ctx.getThreadNum()
def iterationCount = ctx.getVariables().getIteration()
// Generate random data
def firstName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5)
def lastName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5)
def email = "${firstName}_${lastName}_${threadNumber}_${iterationCount}" + "@email.com"
def password = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8)
def confirmPassword = password
// Set variables to be used in the test
vars.put("P_FirstName", firstName)
vars.put("P_LastName", lastName)
vars.put("P_Email", email)
vars.put("P_Password", password)
vars.put("P_ConfirmPassword", confirmPassword)
3. Add the variables' names in the POST request
4. Now, before every request, the PreProcessor will generate unique values for the respective fields. Example:
Hope this helps!