I have directory structure:
├── src
│ ├── admin.py
│ ├── main.py
│ ├── handlers.py
I wanted to add router inside admin.py and handlers.py but I have a problem. I initialized router inside handlers.py and admin.py
Then have this code inside main.py
import asyncio
import logging
from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher
from aiogram.enums.parse_mode import ParseMode
from aiogram.fsm.storage.memory import MemoryStorage
import config
from admin import router1
from handlers import router2
async def main():
bot = Bot(token=config.BOT_TOKEN, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
dp = Dispatcher(storage=MemoryStorage())
dp.include_routers(router1, router2)
await bot.delete_webhook(drop_pending_updates=True)
await dp.start_polling(bot, allowed_updates=dp.resolve_used_update_types())
if __name__ == "__main__":
But when I run code only router inside handlers work.
My admin.py code:
from aiogram import F, Router, Bot
from aiogram.types import Message, CallbackQuery
from aiogram.filters import Command
import handlers
import kb
import config
import text
global admin_flag
admin_flag = False
global user_id
router1 = Router()
async def admin_handler(msg: Message):
global user_id
user_id = int(msg.from_user.id)
if user_id in config.admins:
await msg.answer(text.greet_admin, reply_markup=kb.admin_main_menu_kb)
and handlers.py code:
from aiogram import Router, F, Bot
from aiogram.types import Message, CallbackQuery
from aiogram.filters import Command
import kb
import config
import text
global user, flag
flag = False
router2 = Router()
async def start_handler(msg: Message):
user_id = int(msg.from_user.id)
if user_id not in config.admins:
await msg.answer(text.greet, reply_markup=kb.main_menu_kb)
This is incorrect:
It should be router.include_router()
Like this:
Note that you should'nt register any handler or router after you start receiveng of the incoming events. All handlers in routers tree should be registered when you construct the application.