In my script I'm using
implementation 'org.grails:grails-datastore-gorm-hibernate5:8.0.1'
and initialize the domain classes with
Map config = new YamlSlurper().parse( getClass().getResourceAsStream( '/application.yml' ) )
new HibernateDatastore( config.gorm, classes as Class[] )
Now I want to provide some default values to each Entity's mapping as per ref-doc by adding the code to src/main/resources/application.groovy
grails.gorm.default.mapping = {
id column:'o_id'
version column:'chng_id'
lastUpdated column:'upd'
The file is ignored though, and no default mappings are applied.
What is the proper way to apply the default mappings in a GORM standalone setup?
I ended up with the following setup:, putting the GORM default mapping into the initializer class:
static MAPPING = {
id column:'o_id'
version 'ch_id'
lastUpdated column:'upd'
Map config = (Map)new YamlSlurper().parse( getClass().getResourceAsStream( '/application.yml' ) )
config.gorm[ 'grails.gorm.default.mapping' ] = MAPPING // <- custom mapping injection
new HibernateDatastore( config.gorm, classes as Class[] )
url: jdbc:h2:file:c:/db/demo-db
driverClassName: org.h2.Driver
hibernate: update
The only gotcha here is, that in none of the domain classes the fields from MAPPING
must be present!