We use Lombok, and my architect wants us to always use the Lombok @ToString
instead of custom implementation.
I want IntelliJ to flag any toString()
implementation as a warning.
How do I do that?
I use IntelliJ Ultimate 2023.3
You can create your own inspections.
Go to Settings -> Editor -> Inspections, and click on the "+" button:
Choose either "Add Structural Search Inspection" or "Add Structural Replace Inspection" depending on whether you want a "quick fix" to the problem.
Here's an example of finding a class with a toString
in it, and replacing it with the same class but with that method removed, and adding a @ToString
class $ClassName$ {
public String toString() {
Note that there is a count modifier on $Statements$
allowing 0 or more instances
(Since this is powered by Structural Search, public String toString()
also matches final
methods, among other things.)
Replace with:
class $ClassName$ {
Note that this will highlight the whole class, because the whole class needs to be replaced.
Alternatively, you can just find instances of toString
. You just need to find:
public String $toString$() {
There is a text modifier on $toString$
making sure that its text is always toString
. Doing it this way allows you to set the target of the match to $toString$
, highlighting only the toString
part. Again, there is a count modifier on $Statements$
. Make sure that the "Language" option is set to "Java - Class Member".
Finally, here is the XML file exported from the above inspections. You can import this in the inspection settings page.
<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
<profile version="1.0">
<option name="myName" value="Some Name" />
<inspection_tool class="SSBasedInspection" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
<searchConfiguration name="No toStrings" uuid="7d07a3df-3fe8-3f60-9714-6cd79f56ae5e" text="public String $toString$() { $Statements$; }" recursive="true" caseInsensitive="true" type="JAVA" pattern_context="member">
<constraint name="__context__" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="Statements" minCount="0" maxCount="2147483647" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="toString" regexp="toString" target="true" within="" contains="" />
<replaceConfiguration name="No toStrings wtih replacement" uuid="6ad09c43-eac2-3f8f-b2c3-8061201ea2ad" text="class $ClassName$ { public String toString() { $Statements$; } $OtherMembers$ }" recursive="false" caseInsensitive="true" type="JAVA" pattern_context="default" reformatAccordingToStyle="true" shortenFQN="true" replacement="@ToString class $ClassName$ { $OtherMembers$ }">
<constraint name="__context__" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="Statements" minCount="0" maxCount="2147483647" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="ClassName" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="OtherMembers" within="" contains="" />