
How to add new groups in dynamic inventory

I use this inventory script: xezpeleta/Ansible-Proxmox-inventory.

It works fine but now I want to add a new group based on proxmox_name field value.

I found the lines to duplicate in the script.

I duplicate this:

            # Create group 'running'
            # so you can: --limit 'running'
            status = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_status']
            if status == 'running':
                if 'running' not in results:
                    results['running'] = {
                        'hosts': []
                results['running']['hosts'] += [vm]

into this:

            # Create group 'bddservers'
            # so you can: --limit 'bddservers'
            bddservers = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_name']
            if bddservers == 'x-xxxxx-x-Bxx':
                if '.-....-.-B..' not in results:
                    results['bddservers'] = {
                        'hosts': []
                results['bddservers']['hosts'] += [vm]

to create a group consisting of only BDD servers.

I want to base it on the hostname server (proxmox_name field) but when I try pattern '*B*' it doesn't work. If I replace it with a single hostname server it works, I have a group bddservers with only the hostname I set.

How can I replace the single hostame by a pattern? The naming convention is like this: x-xxxxx-x-Bxx when the B is for BDD servers only. The code is in Python 3.


  • You can do this without modification of the inventory script:

    - name: Add hosts to the BDD group
        name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        groups: bddservers
      when: proxmox_name is regex('.*-.*-.*-B.*')

    Also, note that your original regex does not match the example host name you give in your question. I simplified it so you can use it to check and modify accordingly later.

    Speaking of your original intention to add the hosts to the group from the script - you just need to fix the condition to something like this:

    import re
    name = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_name']
      if re.fullmatch('.*-.*-.*-B.*', name):
        if 'bddservers' not in results:
          results['bddservers'] = {
            'hosts': [] 
        results['bddservers']['hosts'] += [vm]