
Location of signals in Django

I am confused about the use of signals. Where should I put the signal codes so that they are orderly and appropriate? I have a signal file for an app. Where do I call it?


  • I am confused about the use of signals. Where should I put the signal codes so that they are orderly and appropriate?

    Often these are stored in a file named in the app directory. But that is not required at all.

    I have a signal file for an app. Where do I call it?

    You load it in the AppConfig which will load the module when the app is ready:

    # my_app/
    from django.apps import AppConfig
    class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
        name = 'my_app'
        verbose_name = 'My app name'
        def ready(self):
            import my_app.signals  # noqa

    Signals are often a bad idea. Indeed, signals can be circumventing, for example with a .bulk_create(…) [Django-doc] that will not trigger signals for created objects. There are also a lot of scenarios where the data can change: creating records, updating records, removing records. It turns out that keeping the same data in sync, even on the same database, is not easy. I summarized some problems with signals in this article [django-antipatterns].