I have added a second form to my app, and it scrolls off the screen to the left in the simulator, leaving a blank form on the screen. In the attached code my call from the splash screen menu is shown first, then my class. I do not see what is flushing my form, as Shai identified what was probably happening with my first form, and I do not know what I did to stop the first form from scrolling off. Does anyone see my error? Thanks.
// Call on Splash Screen
public boolean openField2() throws IOException {
Form mbd = new MoveByDrag();
return false;
// New Form
package com.kcconsulting.soccersession.ui;
import com.codename1.components.ScaleImageLabel;
import com.codename1.ui.*;
import com.codename1.ui.layouts.*;
import com.codename1.io.Log;
import java.io.IOException;
import static com.codename1.ui.CN.getCurrentForm;
import static com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout.Y_AXIS;
import com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout;
public class MoveByDrag extends Form {
Form playfield = new Form();
Container controls = new Container();
Container field = new Container();
Image img30;
public MoveByDrag() throws IOException {
TableLayout t2 = new TableLayout(2, 1);
playfield.getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToSideMenu(" Design by Coordinates",
FontImage.MATERIAL_CHECK, 4, e -> {
// Rebuild Menu after stopping Scroll to blank screen
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(10).widthPercentage(100), controls);
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(90).widthPercentage(100), field);
//Build Drag and Drop
public void drop(Component dragged, int x, int y) {
int i = playfield.getComponentIndex(dragged);
if(i > -1) {
Component dest = playfield.getComponentAt(x, y);
if(dest != dragged) {
int destIndex = playfield.getComponentIndex(dest);
if(destIndex > -1 && destIndex != i) {
// playfield.setComponentIndex(dragged,destIndex);
} else {
Container oldParent = dragged.getParent();
if(oldParent != null) {
Component pos = playfield.getComponentAt(x, y);
i = playfield.getComponentIndex(pos);
if(i > -1) {
playfield.addComponent(i, dragged);
} else {
I just tried this variation of your code:
TableLayout t2 = new TableLayout(2, 1);
Form playfield = new Form(t2);
Container controls = new Container();
Container field = new Container();
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(10).widthPercentage(100), controls);
playfield.add(t2.createConstraint().heightPercentage(90).widthPercentage(100), field);
It didn't scroll to the side or have any problem I could see. It should be functionally identical. Can you provide screenshots or a video illustrating what you're seeing?