
Sort list of dictionaries based on relative time

I have a CSV file that I create from an API response. I get it unsorted and the API response does not have a query parameter to sort the returned payload. The CSV looks like below, where column A has some device identifiers and column B has the configuration last sync of these devices. The time is represented in relative time as seen in the screenshot.

CSV file

How can I naturally sort the CSV file to have the rows ordered in the following sequence seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and Never?

I have tried to sort the entries using natsort but I didn't get what I am trying to achieve:

import csv
import os

from natsort import natsort, natsort_keygen

natsort_key = natsort_keygen(key=lambda k: k["last_sync"])

fieldnames = ["device", "last_sync"]
with open("Devices_161846.csv", "rt") as csvfile:
    csvreader = csv.DictReader(f=csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    identities = list(csvreader)
    sorted_identities = natsort.natsorted(identities, key=natsort_key)

new_file, ext = os.path.splitext(
with open(f"{new_file}_Sorted.{ext}", "wt") as f:
    csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(f=f, fieldnames=fieldnames)

I expect to get the same result, but sorted from newest to oldest.


  • I would use parse from as a sorting key, this way :

    # pip install dateparser
    import csv, datetime, dateparser
    def parse(st):
        if st == "Never": return datetime.datetime.min
            if (dt:=dateparser.parse(st.replace("a few", "0"))):
                return dt
    header = ["device", "last_sync"]
    with (
        open("/Devices_161846.csv", "r") as inpf,
        open("Devices_161846_Sorted.csv", "w", newline="") as outf
        reader = csv.DictReader(inpf, fieldnames=header)
        writer = csv.DictWriter(outf, fieldnames=header)
            sorted(reader, key=lambda x: parse(x["last_sync"]), reverse=True)

    Output (Devices_161846_Sorted.csv) :

    j,a few seconds ago
    f,29 minutes ago
    g,38 minutes ago
    c,an hour ago
    a,an hour ago
    d,13 hours ago
    h,a day ago
    e,4 days ago
    b,17 days ago

    Input used (Devices_161846.csv) :

    a,an hour ago
    b,17 days ago
    c,an hour ago
    d,13 hours ago
    e,4 days ago
    f,29 minutes ago
    g,38 minutes ago
    h,a day ago
    j,a few seconds ago