
Resilience4j RetryConfig.custom() not working

I am trying to implement a test with a RetryConfig. Although I say which exception should be retried, nothing happens. The error is thrown and the test is finished. Fallback-method is also not trigered. Whats wrong with my test?

public class TestRetryConfig {

private RetryRegistry retryRegistry;

public Retry retryWithCustomConfig() {
    RetryConfig customConfig = RetryConfig.custom()
    return retryRegistry.retry("feignException", customConfig);

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {MyAdapter.class, InMemoryRetryRegistry.class, ServerInternalErrorVerifier.class, TestRetryConfig.class})
class MyAdapterRetryTest {

private RetryRegistry registry;

private MyAdapter myAdapter;

private Retry retry; //i see here, that my retry has been injected correctly with defined bean-name

private MyClient myClient;


    Request feignRequest =
        Request.create(Request.HttpMethod.POST, "", Map.of(), "".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null, null);
    FeignException.InternalServerError feignException =
        new FeignException.InternalServerError("", feignRequest, "".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null);

    when(myClient.sendPerson(any())).thenThrow(feignException); //here should retry be trigered

    String result = myAdapter.sendPerson(myRequest);
    assertThat(result).contains("was not send successfully");



My Prod-Method

@Retry(name = "throwingFeignException", fallbackMethod = "logCommunicationFailure")
    public String sendPartner(MyRequest myRequest) {
        MyResponse response = myClient.sendPerson(myRequest);
        return "ok";

    private String logCommunicationFailure(MyRequest myRequest, Exception exception) { 
        return "fail";


  • TL;DR:

    The short answer is: you need to call Retry.decorateFunction() with your Retry retry object and the sendPartner() method from the 'My Prod-Method' snippet you provided (there is an inconsistency, since you're referring to sendPerson() in your test -- I reckon you refer to the same method and it's just a typo.

        () -> Retry.decorateFunction(retry, feignService::sendPartner).apply(person));
    verify(myClient, times(3)).sendPerson(any(Person.class));

    This will execute your sendPartner() method decorated with @Retry and verifies it was retried 3 times as you configured.

    Long Answer: A Working Example

    FeignRetryConfiguration Bean

    public class FeignRetryConfiguration {
        MyClient myClient() {
            return Feign.builder()
                .client(new Client.Default(null, null))
                .encoder(new Encoder.Default())
                .decoder(new Decoder.Default())
                .target(MyClient.class, "http://localhost:8080");
        RetryConfig feignRetryConfig() {
            return RetryConfig.custom()
        RetryRegistry retryRegistry() {
            return RetryRegistry.of(feignRetryConfig());
        Retry retryFeign(@Autowired @Qualifier("feignRetry") RetryRegistry retryRegistry) {
            return retryRegistry.retry("throwingFeignException");

    FeignService Bean

    public class FeignService {
        MyClient myClient;
        public FeignService(MyClient myClient) {
            this.myClient = myClient;
        @Retry(name = "throwingFeignException", fallbackMethod = "logCommunicationFailure")
        public String sendPartner(Person person) {
            return "ok";
        public String logCommunicationFailure(Person person, Exception exception) {
            return "fail";

    The MyClient

    public interface MyClient {
        @Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
        void sendPerson(Person person);

    Person is a POJO - skipping for brevity

    The actual unit test

    class MyClientTest {
        static class MyClientTestConfiguration {
            FeignService feignService(@Autowired  MyClient myClient) {
                return new FeignService(myClient);
        MyClient myClient;
        Retry retry;
        FeignService feignService;
        void testSendPartnerShouldRetry() {
            Request request = Request.create(Request.HttpMethod.POST, "", Collections.emptyMap(), "".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null);
            doThrow(new FeignException.InternalServerError("internal error", request, "".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), Collections.emptyMap()))
            Person person = new Person();
            person.setName("John Doe");
            assertThrows(FeignException.InternalServerError.class, () -> Retry.decorateFunction(retry, feignService::sendPartner).apply(person));
            verify(myClient, times(3)).sendPerson(any(Person.class));

    Certainly you need to extend this code to make it work as expected, but hopefully it will demonstrate how to make it happen.