I'm using the npm module punycode
in my Angular project.
VsCode tells me it's deprecated and https://nodejs.org/api/punycode.html#punycode_punycode
The version of the punycode module bundled in Node.js is being deprecated. In a future major version of Node.js this module will be removed. Users currently depending on the punycode module should switch to using the userland-provided Punycode.js module instead.
The suggestion is to switch to the 'userland-provided' module. What is that?
There is a link to https://github.com/mathiasbynens/punycode.js and I tried including that in my package.json instead of 'punycode' and I get the same error.
Recently I faced this same issue.
I highly recommend you use the LTS(long term support) version of the node.
You can validate the version here: https://nodejs.org/en
so then in your command line you should perform:
$nvm install --lts
$nvm use --lts
This solves the problem, because makes you use the most tested and approved version.
If I use the version with latest features (actually 21.5.0 at time of writing instead of 20.0.8) I will face the problem reported here. There is an issue open in github to solve it by the way.
You can see more details here: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/9005