When I create the sceditor like in the example, the dropdowns that appear when clicking on the font icon appears in its normal place.
var textarea = document.getElementById('example');
sceditor.create(textarea, {
format: 'bbcode',
icons: 'monocons',
autofocus: true,
style: '../minified/themes/content/default.min.css'
However, once I specify my own toolbar, the dropdown is moved off screen and I have to scroll down for ages to find it.
var textarea = document.getElementById('example');
sceditor.create(textarea, {
format: 'bbcode',
icons: 'monocons',
autofocus: true,
style: '../minified/themes/content/default.min.css',
toolbarContainer: document.getElementById('toolbar')
Any way to correct the positioning while having a custom toolbar?
Custom toolbars are outside the sceditor container, which has a relative position. According to https://stackoverflow.com/a/14107783/4710434
By definition offsetTop returns the top position of the object relative to the top side of its offsetParent element, in pixels.
Now offsetParent needs to be an element with a position other than static. If you change the position attribute of scroll element in your fiddle I get a value of 1012 as opposed to 1110 without the position attribute.
Therefore, remove the relatie position specifier for .sceditor-container` from the CSS file.
Now, the dropdown is relative to the doucment's body, and must be moved. Fortunately, editor.createDropDown()
can be overridden via a simple plugin
sceditor.plugins.fix = function ()
let editor;
this.init = function ()
editor = this;
const fn = editor.createDropDown;
this.createDropDown = function (menuItem, name, content) {
fn(menuItem, name, content);