I'm trying to get the list of services from EKS using Spring boot and Kotlin. I was able to make it work with the following using fabric8:
class AwsConfig {
fun kubernetesClient(): KubernetesClient {
return KubernetesClientBuilder()
and then:
class EksService(val kubernetesClient: KubernetesClient) {
fun getServices() {
val services = kubernetesClient.services().list()
I generated the "hard-coded-oauth-token" via cli command: aws eks get-token --cluster-name <cluster-name>
I'm trying to figure out how I can generate this oauth token progrematically, I couldn't find any documentation on that
I finally figured it out, with the help of this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60204304
The code is in kotlin:
class AwsConfig {
fun kubernetesClient(): KubernetesClient {
return KubernetesClientBuilder()
.withOauthTokenProvider { getToken() }
fun getToken(): String {
val stsUri = URI("https", "sts.${<region>}.amazonaws.com", "/", null)
val requestToSign = SdkHttpFullRequest
.appendHeader("x-k8s-aws-id", "<cluster_name>")
.appendRawQueryParameter("Action", "GetCallerIdentity")
.appendRawQueryParameter("Version", "2011-06-15")
val presignerParams = Aws4PresignerParams.builder()
.expirationTime(Instant.now().plus(60, ChronoUnit.SECONDS))
val signedRequest = Aws4Signer.create().presign(requestToSign, presignerParams)
val encodedUrl: String = Base64.getUrlEncoder().withoutPadding().encodeToString(
return ("k8s-aws-v1.$encodedUrl")