I am doing some request with rest client extension in VScode I would like to know if there is a way to get the current date and to use it in a request
It would be something like
# CreateLesson
# @name CreateLesson
POST {{baseUrl}}/Lesson/CreateLesson HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{authToken}}
"Name": "Maths",
"DateCreation": {{__now__}},
"Room": "B23"
"NbHours": 2,
Do you know how to do it please?
This solution works
@authToken = {{tokenAPI.response.body.token}}
@createdAt = {{$datetime iso8601}}
# CreateLesson
# @name CreateLesson
POST {{baseUrl}}/Lesson/CreateLesson HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{authToken}}
"Name": "Maths",
"DateCreation": "{{createdAt}}",
"Room": "B23"
"NbHours": 2,