
How could I reduce uncovered branches in this code contains std::string operator+?

I'm using lcov2.0 to check my test branch coverage, with encounter this issue.

// source code
void test_string_plus(const string& local ,const string& remote)
    static string recv_msg;
    static_cast<void>(recv_msg.assign("/" + (local < remote ? local + "_" + remote : remote + "_" + local)));
// test code
TEST(teststring, teststringplus)
    string local = "test1";  
    string remote = "test12";
    EXPECT_NO_THROW(test_string_plus(local, remote));
    local = "test21";
    remote = "test2";  
    EXPECT_NO_THROW(test_string_plus(local, remote));

It reports like this in lcov

     281                 :           2 : void test_string_plus(const string& local ,const string& remote)
     282                 :             : {
     283                 :           2 :     static string recv_msg;
     284   [ +  +  +  -  :           2 :     static_cast<void>(recv_msg.assign("/" + (local < remote ? local + "_" + remote : remote + "_" + local)));
          +  -  +  -  +  
          -  +  -  +  +  
          +  +  -  -  -  
                      - ]
     285                 :           2 : }

gcov file shows that this code contains a lot of uncovered branches with throw.

        2:  284:    static_cast<void>(recv_msg.assign("/" + (local < remote ? local + "_" + remote : remote + "_" + local)));
call    0 returned 2
branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch  2 taken 1
call    3 returned 1
branch  4 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch  5 taken 0 (throw)
call    6 returned 1
branch  7 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch  8 taken 0 (throw)
call    9 returned 1
branch 10 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch 11 taken 0 (throw)
call   12 returned 1
branch 13 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch 14 taken 0 (throw)
call   15 returned 2
branch 16 taken 2 (fallthrough)
branch 17 taken 0 (throw)
call   18 returned 2
call   19 returned 2
call   20 returned 2
branch 21 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch 22 taken 1
call   23 returned 1
branch 24 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch 25 taken 1
call   26 returned 1
call   27 never executed
branch 28 never executed
branch 29 never executed
call   30 never executed
branch 31 never executed
branch 32 never executed
call   33 never executed
        2:  285:}

tools version and command I used.

    g++ -std=c++17 test.cpp -o test -lgtest -lgtest_main -pthread -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -fprofile-update=atomic && \
    ./test && \
    gcov -b -c -o . test.cpp && \
    lcov --capture \
         --rc branch_coverage=1 \
         --directory . \
         --filter branch \
         --output-file coverage_all.info \
         --ignore-errors mismatch && \
    genhtml coverage_all.info \
            --rc branch_coverage=1 \
            --output-directory coverage_report && \
    rm *.info

I already used --filter branch to ignore some unreachable branches

How should I reduce the uncovered branches here? Or can I just ignore them?


I checkout reference of operator+() in std::string. It seems that an exception will only be thrown when attempting to add a string that exceeds the length limit or when the memory application fails, but in practical projects, constructing such test conditions is very unreasonable.

I tried to modify ?: to if else, those branches caused by string can be filter.

    281                 :           2 : void test_string_plus(const string& local ,const string& remote)
     282                 :             : {
     283                 :           2 :     static string recv_msg;
     284                 :           2 :     string target("/");
     285         [ +  + ]:           2 :     if(local<remote)
     286                 :             :     {
     287                 :           1 :         target += local + "_" + remote;
     288                 :             :     }
     289                 :             :     else{
     290                 :           1 :         target +=  remote + "_" + local;
     291                 :             :     }
     292                 :           2 :     static_cast<void>(recv_msg.assign(target));


  • I tried to modify ?: to if else, those branches caused by string can be filter by lcov --filter branch options

        281                 :           2 : void test_string_plus(const string& local ,const string& remote)
         282                 :             : {
         283                 :           2 :     static string recv_msg;
         284                 :           2 :     string target("/");
         285         [ +  + ]:           2 :     if(local<remote)
         286                 :             :     {
         287                 :           1 :         target += local + "_" + remote;
         288                 :             :     }
         289                 :             :     else{
         290                 :           1 :         target +=  remote + "_" + local;
         291                 :             :     }
         292                 :           2 :     static_cast<void>(recv_msg.assign(target));