I would like to create subplots of plotly express barpolar plots whereby the layout specifications are the same for each plot.
I have taken a solution found in this thread to build the barpolar subploots: how can i create subplots with plotly express?
In the output from this solution, the setting of each subplots is different: the direction of the angular axes vary by subplot and the labels / tickvalues of the angular radius are also different. I am trying to find a way to override these parameters so that I can ensure both subplots have the same settings.
I have tried to use 'fig.update_layout' to set the formatting across all subplots but this doesn't work.
Example data to reproduce one subplot:
Age_months | Feed_Volume_ml | Feed_Hour_Degrees
0 120 15
0 160 90
0 100 90
0 50 270
0 75 270
0 40 300
Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.offline import plot
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
figures = [
px.bar_polar(fd.loc[fd['Age_months'] == 0].sort_values(by = ['Feed_Volume_ml']),
r = "Feed_Volume_ml",
theta = "Feed_Hour_Degrees",
color = "Feed_Volume_ml",
title = "Clock Map of Feeding - Month 0",
direction = "clockwise",
start_angle = 90,
range_r = (0,220)),
px.bar_polar(fd.loc[fd['Age_months'] == 5].sort_values(by = ['Feed_Volume_ml']),
r = "Feed_Volume_ml",
theta = "Feed_Hour_Degrees",
color = "Feed_Volume_ml",
title = "Clock Map of Feeding - Month 5",
direction = "clockwise",
start_angle = 90,
range_r = (0,220) )
fig = make_subplots(cols = len(figures), rows=1,
specs= [[{"type": "barpolar"},{"type": "barpolar"}]])
for i, figure in enumerate(figures):
for trace in range(len(figure["data"])):
fig.add_trace(figure["data"][trace], row=1, col=i+1,)
polar = dict(
radialaxis = dict(
showticklabels = False),
angularaxis = dict(
tickvals = np.arange(0,360,15),
ticktext = ticktexts,
direction = "clockwise",
Multiple subplots of polar coordinates are created, each with as many polar axes as there are subplots. Therefore, fig.update_layout(polar=...,polar2=...)
is required.
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.offline import plot
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
figures = [
px.bar_polar(fd.loc[fd['Age_months'] == 0].sort_values(by = ['Feed_Volume_ml']),
r = "Feed_Volume_ml",
theta = "Feed_Hour_Degrees",
color = "Feed_Volume_ml",
title = "Clock Map of Feeding - Month 0",
direction = "clockwise",
start_angle = 90,
range_r = (0,220)),
px.bar_polar(fd.loc[fd['Age_months'] == 5].sort_values(by = ['Feed_Volume_ml']),
r = "Feed_Volume_ml",
theta = "Feed_Hour_Degrees",
color = "Feed_Volume_ml",
title = "Clock Map of Feeding - Month 5",
direction = "clockwise",
start_angle = 90,
range_r = (0,220) )
fig = make_subplots(cols = len(figures), rows=1,
specs= [[{"type": "barpolar"},{"type": "barpolar"}]])
for i, figure in enumerate(figures):
for trace in range(len(figure["data"])):
fig.add_trace(figure["data"][trace], row=1, col=i+1,)
polar_dict = polar=dict(radialaxis=dict(showticklabels=False),
angularaxis = dict(tickvals = np.arange(0,360,15),
ticktext = [f'{x}' for x in np.arange(0,360,15)],
direction = "clockwise",)
fig.update_layout(polar=polar_dict, polar2=polar_dict)