I'm planning to run two instances of aerospike on the same server on two different ports, so as to use it for two of my services. I want to know if using such a setup is ideally and practically a correct approach or not.
Please suggest what would be the ideal setup for this. Should I use two different servers for the two instances then?
Its all about uptime, redundancy and performance. If that one server goes down, you lose both services. Ideally, you would deploy a single Aerospike cluster on 3 different servers with replication factor 2 at a minimum so if any one server goes down, you still have full access to all your data and service availability. Can you deploy two Aerospike clusters on 3 physical servers with port separation? sure you can - alternative would be to define 2 different namespaces in a single Aerospike cluster and each service uses different namespace. So separate services by namespace instead of port. The other impact is latency performance - how activities on one service will impact performance of the other service because of shared server resources - that depends on what the requirements are and what the services are doing.