I have the following React Native component with a router from expo-router:
onPress={() => router.push({ pathname: `//${category}/${type}`})}
In a separate file called [recentSearch].js that's nested in the following way:
I have the following code:
const RecentSearches = () => {
const { category, type } = useLocalSearchParams();
console.log(category, type);
return (
<Text>Recent Searches</Text>
export default RecentSearches;
The console.log always returns "undefined undefined" no matter what I try. I've tried even using {pathname: '/', params: {category: 'test", type: 'test'} but for some reason useLocalSearchParams and useGlobalSearchParams don't work. Any help would be great. TIA
i got same issue and maybe is for structure, i did this
function RootLayoutNav() {
const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
const theme = colorScheme === "dark" ? darkTheme : lightTheme;
return (
<ThemeProvider value={theme}>
headerShown: false,
animation: "slide_from_right",
<Stack.Screen name="posts" />
you can see, i added 'posts' folder, inside 'posts' folder, create _layout file and [] file, like [item].tsx or something like that, in your case [recentSearch].tsx or [recentSearch].js, i can see you have .js inside [], you have to put outside.
after that, just call your file with expo router, like:
remeber, if you wanna pass more parameters, you have to do something like:
similar as how we used to pass parameters in http urls.
after that, just catch parameters in your [].tsx file, using:
const { category, type } = useLocalSearchParams<{
category: string;
type?: string;
you can find more info about this on expo-router doc, just pay attention at comments on code, have useful infomartion
I hope it has helped and sorry for my English