
How to cite multiple sources with each different page references?

yes, I have already searched on Google and also here on Stackoverflow, but unfortunately I have not found any suitable results.

I would like to combine several sources with different page references in one citation command in LaTeX.

This is what I've tried so far (MWE):

\usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true, bibstyle=alphabetic, citestyle=alphabetic, sorting=anyt]{biblatex}
\cite[p.1, p.2][p.3, p.4]{A, B}

with sources.bib

@book{A, author = {Bob}, year = {2025}}
@misc{B, author = {Anna}, year = {2024}}

The result is [p.1, p.2 Bob25; Ann24, p.3, p.4]. I want to have

such that: [Bob25, p.1; Ann24, p.3]


  • You can use the \cites macro to cite multiple works at once:

    \usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true, bibstyle=alphabetic, citestyle=alphabetic, sorting=anyt]{biblatex}
    \cites[p.1, p.2]{knuth:ct}[p.3, p.4]{westfahl:space} 

    enter image description here