
set mouse=a not working on Vim / Neovim in iTerm2

I am using iTerm2, running Neovim v0.9.1, but have same issue with Vim v9.0. I have set mouse=a enabled on Neovim and mouse functionality is not working. I am unable to resize windows, select tabs, position the cursor, and scroll. I've searched SO as well as iTerm's documentation and have yet been able to pin down the source of the problem.

Running :checkhealth yields the following for Clipboard

Clipboard (optional)
   - OK Clipboard tool found: pbcopy

Here is a screen shot of Session -> Terminal State:

Session->Terminal State

I also have the same settings on my work computer, and the mouse works fine.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please, do not offer vim key-binding solutions. Thank you.


  • Settings -> Profiles -> Terminal -> Enable mouse reporting.

    enter image description here