
Error message when starting ddev laravel: "Failed waiting for web/db containers to become ready: web container failed" (zfs)

When I initially cloned a company repository and tried to start via ddev start I got the error message Failed waiting for web/db containers to become ready: web container failed. The container ddev-website-web stays unhealthy. The browser page shows an error.


  • Short answer: The error is a known problem with overlayFS on ZFS, see Moby #45890 on github

    Long answer: You can check easily, if the error fits to you.

    When the ddev-web container is started you can login into the container via ddev ssh then show the user and groups of the folder /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/.

    If the user and group is root, there will be an apache-Folder inside and in this folder the correct files will be inside. If you try to remove the folder with sudo rm -rf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled you will get an error invalid argument.

    This pointed my college to this issue: issue 46640 on github

    So please check, if you're using overlay mount with zfs with docker info

    Storage Driver: overlay2
      Backing Filesystem: zfs

    Then you can use this Solution:

    To avoid this error, just do like in docker docu-use zfs described.

    Your problem should be solved.