
UnnecessaryStubbingException on Mockito stubbing in Spring Boot mockmvc and MvcResult result doesn't contain the mocked value

I am writing a unit tests to test REST API endpoints. I am using MockMvc to handle API testing and @InjectMocks to load endpoint and @Mock to mock the service layer. Below are snippets.


@RequestMapping( path="api/v1/book")
public class BookController {

    private final BookService bookService;

    public BookController (BookService bookService){
        this.bookService = bookService;

    public List<Book> getBooks() {
        return bookService.getAllBook();


public class BookService {
    private final BookRepository bookRepository;    

    public BookService(BookRepository bookRepository) {
        this.bookRepository = bookRepository;

    public List<Book> getAllBook() {
        return bookRepository.findAll();


public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {
    List<Book> findAll();


public class BookControllerTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    private BookController bookController;

    private BookService bookService;

    public void setup() {
            mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(bookController).build();

    public void getAllRecords_success() throws Exception {
        List<Book> records = Arrays.asList(record1, record2, record3);
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders

When I run the test I got UnnecessaryStubbingException. The MvcResult result variable has empty massive rather than a massive of three books (records). So, I believe the cause is that I probably do not understand very well how to use Mockito. Could you please point me in the right direction?

SpringBoot version is 3.2.1.

Thanks a lot!



I have found that if I change Controller like this:

@RequestMapping( path="api/v1/book")
public class BookController {

//    private final BookService bookService;
    BookService bookService;

//    @Autowired
//    public BookController (BookService bookService){
//        this.bookService = bookService;
//    }

    public List<Book> getBooks(){
        return bookService.getAllBooks();

then mocking works and MvcResult result variable has a massive of three books (records). Could any one explain how to work it around since with the updated controller the spring app returns 500 code on sending via postman a get request on '/api/v1/book' endpoint. There is in console:

NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "mypackage.BookService.getAllBooks()" because "this.bookService" is null


  • You are initializing your mocks twice:

    Double initialization fails if you inject a mock to a final field

    Check this example:

    interface Foo {
    class Bar {
        final Foo foo;
        Bar(Foo foo) {
            this.foo = foo;
    public class InitMocksTest {
        @InjectMocks Bar bar;
        @Mock Foo foo;
        void setup() {
            System.out.println("bar: " + defaultToString(bar));
            System.out.println("foo: " + defaultToString(foo));
            System.out.println("bar.foo: " + defaultToString(bar.foo));
            System.out.println("bar: " + defaultToString(bar));
            System.out.println("foo: " + defaultToString(foo));
            System.out.println("bar.foo: " + defaultToString(bar.foo));
        public static String defaultToString(Object o) {
            return o.getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(o.hashCode());
        void dummy() {


    bar: com.so.examples.mockito.Bar@5d332969
    foo: com.so.examples.mockito.Foo$MockitoMock$v4JhQAjO@6ca320ab
    bar.foo: com.so.examples.mockito.Foo$MockitoMock$v4JhQAjO@6ca320ab
    bar: com.so.examples.mockito.Bar@5d332969
    foo: com.so.examples.mockito.Foo$MockitoMock$v4JhQAjO@1e34c607
    bar.foo: com.so.examples.mockito.Foo$MockitoMock$v4JhQAjO@6ca320ab

    Observe that after second initialization: