I have a very simple HTML app with uses a couple of js files, a css and several images. I have all of them bundled on a folder that I downloaded to my mobile phone in the Downloads folder.
Now, when I go to the folder and open the main html file, it opens in Chrome browser in the following url: content://media/external/file/<10 digit number> and no other file, locally referenced from it, loads. This means there are no images, and of course, no js functionality.
Where should I place my files, or how should I reference them from the main html file, to achieve a normal course of operation, where those files are normally loaded when executing main HTML file?
I know that I could download a small web server to run it locally and make it serve the page, but that seems quite overkill to me and I'd like to left that as a very last resort option.
For the sake of those who might be on a similar situation, there is a MUCH BETTER approach to run your html + js + css apps on mobile devices.
You just need to convert them to Proggressive Web Applications (PWA), this means just to tweak them lightly and add a manifest file. Those apps CAN be INSTALLED on mobile devices directly from browsers, working as native apps.
You can find info about this topic in https://web.dev/explore/progressive-web-apps?hl=es-419