
Can someone help me get my firebase static site running?

I followed all the prompts and instruction and everything and it brings me here.

{ "hosting": { "public": "public", "ignore": [ "firebase.json", "/.*", "/node_modules/**" ] } }

I'm new to this and not sure what I'm doing wrong. thanks

I followed on screen prompts for launching firebase static website.


  • as i said earlier the development is successful but its not reading your .HTML file it instead is reading a default HTML file generated by firebase.

    first create a source folder eg- dist keep your files inside this folder and open your command prompt, do a firebase init, I know you did this already still do it again and see the file path, in your command prompt, save the dist folder in that exact location. then if it asks to replace the original fille or overwrite give no and deploy it with firebase init

    This might seem triky just do it and let me know here ill help you further.

    enter image description here

    Inthis picture, the the dist folder should be inside cdrive-users-a850213-dist