I noticed that the Parallel::Loops module uses $_
as the argument to its subref. This question isn't about Parallel::Loops per-se, it is about the coderef calling convention.
This is their example, note that $_
is passed to the sub:
$pl->foreach( \@parameters, sub {
# This sub "magically" executed in parallel forked child
# processes
# Lets just create a simple example, but this could be a
# massive calculation that will be parallelized, so that
# $maxProcs different processes are calculating sqrt
# simultaneously for different values of $_ on different CPUs
# (Do see 'Performance' / 'Properties of the loop body' below)
$returnValues{$_} = sqrt($_);
...but I've always used $_[0]
or @_
for values passed to a sub:
$a = sub { print "\$_=$_\n" ; print "\$_[0]=$_[0]\n" };
# prints out
# $_=
# $_[0]=1
Notice in my example $_
didn't work, but $_[0]
(ie, @_
) does. What is different between the coderef in Parallel::Loops's example, and the coderef in my example?
Note that their example isn't a typo: it only works if you use $_
, which is why I'm posing this question.
Look in the module source when you want to know how it's doing its thing :)
In Parallel::Loops::foreach
, the module sets $_
before it calls the subroutine you provided. Since this is in a forked process, it doesn't do anything to protect the value of $_
. Notice the various layers of code refs in that module.
# foreach is implemented via while above
sub foreach {
my ($self, $varRef, $arrayRef, $sub);
if (ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
($self, $arrayRef, $sub) = @_;
} else {
# Note that this second usage is not documented (and hence not
# supported). It isn't really useful, but this is how to use it just in
# case:
# my $foo;
# my %returnValues = $pl->foreach( \$foo, [ 0..9 ], sub {
# $foo => sqrt($foo);
# });
($self, $varRef, $arrayRef, $sub) = @_;
my $i = -1;
$self->while( sub { ++$i <= $#{$arrayRef} }, sub {
# Setup either $varRef or $_, if no such given before calling $sub->()
if ($varRef) {
$$varRef = $arrayRef->[$i];
} else {
$_ = $arrayRef->[$i];
You could do that same thing. Every time you want to run your code ref, set the value of $_
for_all( [ qw(1 3 7) ], sub { print "$_\n" } );
sub for_all {
my( $array, $sub ) = @_;
foreach my $value ( @$array ) {
local $_ = $value;
Take a look at Mojo::Collection, for example, that does this with its code refs. List::Util has several utilities that do this too.