
Error: package org.jsoup does not exist with import org.jsoup.Jsoup;

I've downloaded the Jsoup Java library for use in VS Code. I've clicked Referenced Libraries and added the JAR file there. I created this class to see if the imports work:

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;

public class n {

When I tried to compile it, I got this error:

javac error: package org.jsoup does not exist
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;

When I press Ctrl + T and look for some classes, I can see their implementations and all. Why would it not be able to find the package? I already tried compiling with java -cp .:"jsoup-1.17.2.jar", but it didn't work.


  • A Step By Step Guide For a PoC JSoup + VSCode Java Project

    Based on your input I am not sure what went wrong on your setup, but here is how I made a working PoC Project in VSCode using JDK 11.

    Download JSoup Jar

    I assume you already did it. I downloaded JSoup 1.17.2 from

    Put it in lib directory (optional, but a good practice to separate jars from code).

    Create a Sample Java Class

    package com.github.tcsizmadia.jsoupsandbox;
    import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // a simple HTML document
            final var sampleHtml = "<html>\n" +
                    "<head>\n" +
                    "    <title>Sample HTML</title>\n" +
                    "</head>\n" +
                    "<body>\n" +
                    "    <h1>Hello World!</h1>\n" +
                    "</body>\n" +
            // parse the HTML
            var doc = Jsoup.parse(sampleHtml);
            System.out.println("The sample HTML's Title: " + doc.title());

    Save it in the corresponding directory tree: com/github/tcsizmadia/jsoupsandbox (feel free to rename packages).

    Compile the Java Class

    javac -cp lib/jsoup-1.17.2.jar com/github/tcsizmadia/jsoupsandbox/

    Your directory tree should look like this:

    ├── com
    │   └── github
    │       └── tcsizmadia
    │           └── jsoupsandbox
    │               ├── Main.class
    │               └──
    └── lib
        └── jsoup-1.17.2.jar

    Run the Compiled Java Class

    java -cp .:lib/jsoup-1.17.2.jar com.github.tcsizmadia.jsoupsandbox.Main


    The sample HTML's Title: Sample HTML

    Please try these steps on your environment and let us know which step failed so we can narrow down the error.