
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Topic test not present in metadata after 60000 ms. - kafka on pulsar

I have installed pulsar using helm chart in minikube. Kafka is installed in local system. When produced a message from kafka cli using kafka-console-producer.bat, getting "Topic test not present in metadata after 60000 ms." Note that kafka server is not started up, as i am trying to demonstrate kafka on pulsar.

The yaml file used for installing pulsar: extra: broker: false brokerSts: true proxy: true wsproxy: false bastion: false

zookeeper: replicaCount: 1

bookkeeper: replicaCount: 1

broker: component: "broker" # this has to match brokerSts naming replicaCount: 0

brokerSts: component: "broker" # this has to match broker naming replicaCount: 1 functionsWorkerEnabled: true # to overcome the need for functions working ledger: # the default assumes 2 bookies but this chart only deploys 1 defaultEnsembleSize: 1 defaultAckQuorum: 1 defaultWriteQuorum: 1 service: ports: - name: http port: 8080 - name: pulsar port: 6650 - name: kafkaplaintext port: 9092 - name: kafkaschemareg port: 8001 configData: PULSAR_PREFIX_protocolHandlerDirectory: "./protocols" PULSAR_PREFIX_messagingProtocols: "kafka" PULSAR_PREFIX_brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsEnabled: "false" PULSAR_PREFIX_saslAllowedMechanisms: PLAIN PULSAR_PREFIX_brokerEntryMetadataInterceptors: "org.apache.pulsar.common.intercept.AppendIndexMetadataInterceptor" PULSAR_PREFIX_kopSchemaRegistryEnable: "true" PULSAR_PREFIX_allowAutoTopicCreationType: "partitioned" PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaListeners: "SASL_PLAINTEXT://" PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaAdvertisedListeners: "SASL_PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092" PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaTransactionCoordinatorEnabled: "true" PULSAR_PREFIX_TransactionCoordinatorEnabled: "true"

proxy: component: "proxy" replicaCount: 1 service: ports: - name: "s4k" port: 9095 protocol: TCP - name: "http" port: 8080 protocol: TCP - name: "pulsar" port: 6650 protocol: TCP configData: PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaListeners: "SASL_PLAINTEXT://" # here you have to customize the advertised name if you want to access # Kafka from outside the kube # Drop the SASL_PLAINTEXT endpoint if you want to allow only TLS (here and above) # The Proxy uses the same TLS certificate configured for the Pulsar protocol # PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaAdvertisedListeners: "SASL_PLAINTEXT://pulsar-proxy:9092,SASL_SSL://pulsar-proxy:9093" # if you use port forwarding to localhost then you have to set 'localhost' PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaAdvertisedListeners: "SASL_PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092" PULSAR_PREFIX_saslAllowedMechanisms: PLAIN PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaProxySuperUserRole: superuser PULSAR_PREFIX_kopSchemaRegistryProxyEnableTls: "true" PULSAR_PREFIX_kopSchemaRegistryEnable: "true" PULSAR_PREFIX_kopSchemaRegistryProxyPort: "8081" PULSAR_PREFIX_kafkaTransactionCoordinatorEnabled: "true" PULSAR_PREFIX_TransactionCoordinatorEnabled: "true" extensions: enabled: true extensions: "kafka" containerPorts: - name: kafkaplaintext containerPort: 9092 - name: kafkaschemareg containerPort: 8081 servicePorts: - name: kafkaplaintext port: 9092 protocol: TCP targetPort: kafkaplaintext - name: kafkaschemareg port: 8081 protocol: TCP targetPort: kafkaschemareg

image: proxy: repository: datastax/lunastreaming-all # so we get the starlight for kafka extension pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 2.10_2.4 brokerSts: repository: datastax/lunastreaming-all # so we get the starlight for kafka extension pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 2.10_2.4 zookeeper: repository: datastax/lunastreaming pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 2.10_2.4 bookkeeper: repository: datastax/lunastreaming pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: 2.10_2.4

My pods: enter image description here

port-forwarded pulsar-broker

kubectl port-forward -n default service/pulsar-broker 9095:9092

Note: in 9092, svchost (windoes internal program is running) thus i have port-forwarded to 9095.

after this, opened kafka cli and produced a message enter image description here

Once I enter any value, in port-forward terminal getting handling message like this: enter image description here

Note: this topic is not existing already. it is a new topic. Acc, to yaml, autotopiccreation is true. So when new topic name is given it has to be created automatically


enter image description here

Note: Even when i give an already created topic name(created as a pulsar topic), still same error is shown.


  • There was a windows application running on that port, once i stopped it, and run kafka on 9092, it is working fine