This code in my form-validators.ts:
console.log('password:', password?.value);
console.log('confirmPwd:', confirmPwd?.value);
always fetched me undefined
, causing the custom validation (matchPwdValidator()
) to constantly return false
. If I fetched confirmPwd in the switch, it will print out the correct details. Below is a summarized version of my codes.
import { AbstractControl, ValidatorFn, Validators } from "@angular/forms";
export class FormValidators {
static matchPwdValidator(): ValidatorFn {
return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } | null => {
const password = control.get("password");
const confirmPwd = control.get("confirmPwd");
console.log('password:', password?.value);
console.log('confirmPwd:', confirmPwd?.value);
if (!password || !confirmPwd || password.value !== confirmPwd.value) {
return { PwdNotMatched: true };
return null;
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from "@angular/forms";
import { FormValidators } from "../utilities/form-validators";
selector: "app-form",
templateUrl: "./form.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./form.component.scss"],
export class FormComponent {
cpwdError: boolean = false;
sampleForm: FormGroup;
private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
) {
password: ["", FormValidators.passwordValidator()],
confirmPwd: ["", FormValidators.matchPwdValidator()],
this.sampleForm.get('confirmPwd')?.statusChanges .subscribe(() => {
private updateErrorFlags(controlName: string): void {
const control = this.sampleForm.get(controlName);
if (control) {
switch (controlName) {
case 'confirmPwd':
this.cpwdError = control.hasError('PwdNotMatched') && control.dirty;
You are set the matchPwdValidator
validation to the "confirmPwd" FormControl. It can't find any control with name: "password" and "confirmPwd". You should get both controls from the root form group of the current form control.
const password = control.parent?.get('password');
const confirmPwd = control.parent?.get('confirmPwd');