
Error during memory reallocation inside a function

I wrote a function to append pointer to an object to array, but realloc can't properly reallocate memory when it's called from a nested function. However, when I'm reallocating memory from function, where object has been previously allocated, everything is alright

Here is a simplified example of my code:

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Node
    char ch;
    int freq;
    struct Node *left, *right;

} Node;

Node *newNode(char ch, int freq, Node *left, Node *right)
    Node *node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node->ch = ch;
    node->freq = freq;
    node->left = left;
    node->right = right;

    return node;

void pushNode(Node **nodes, Node *node, int *nodesCount)
    nodes = (Node **)realloc(nodes, ++(*nodesCount) * sizeof(Node *)); // error
    nodes[*nodesCount - 1] = node;

int main()
    int nodesCount = 0;
    Node **nodes = (Node **)calloc(0, sizeof(Node *));

    Node *node = newNode('\0', 0, NULL, NULL);
    pushNode(nodes, node, &nodesCount);

    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        node = newNode((char)i, i, NULL, NULL);
        // pushNode(nodes, node, &nodesCount);
        nodes = (Node **)realloc(nodes, ++nodesCount * sizeof(Node *)); // no error
        nodes[nodesCount - 1] = node;


    return 0;

Running the code above causes the following error:

test(94309,0x1ec9f2500) malloc: *** error for object 0x60000020c020: pointer being realloc'd was not allocated
test(94309,0x1ec9f2500) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug


  • Your error comes from nodes that is local to pushNode function, you should have something like:

    void pushNode(Node ***nodes, Node *node, int *nodesCount)
        Node **newNodes;
        newNodes = (Node **)realloc(*nodes, ++(*nodesCount) * sizeof(Node *));
        /* check newNodes */
        *nodes = newNodes
        (*nodes)[*nodesCount - 1] = node;