
How to set a (Django) celery beat cron schedule from string value

I am using Django with celery beat. I would like to configure the cron schedule via env var (string value of the cron).

We are currently setting the cron schedule like this, using celery.schedules.crontab:

    "task_name": {
        "task": "app.tasks.task_function",
        "schedule": crontab(minute=0, hour='1,3,5,13,15,17,19,21,23'),

I would like to configure the schedule by passing a crontab in string format, like this:

    "task_name": {
        "task": "app.tasks.task_function",
        "schedule": '0 15 10 ? * *',

However, I cannot find any documentation for how I can do this. The naive attempt above does not work. I could parse the cron string into minute/hour/day etc values, and then pass them into crontab with the relevant kwargs, but that feels quite messy. It seems there should be an elegant way to do this.


  • From my knowledge I think there are no straight way to do this apart from creating a custom function which meets this requirements.

    Here is how you can do this.

    Create a new file if you do not already have like or whatever suits for your project and add this custom method into it.

    def parse_cron_string(cron_str):
        parts = cron_str.split()
        minute, hour, day_of_month, month, day_of_week = parts[:5] #first five elements from the split cron string
        day_of_month = '*' if day_of_month == '?' else day_of_month
        month = '*' if month == '?' else month
        day_of_week = '*' if day_of_week == '?' else day_of_week
        return {
            'minute': minute,
            'hour': hour,
            'day_of_month': day_of_month,
            'month_of_year': month,
            'day_of_week': day_of_week,

    Now call this newly created method in your suitable settings file:

    import os
    from celery.schedules import crontab
    from .utils import parse_cron_string  # Adjust the import path as needed
    CRON_STRING = os.getenv('CRON_SCHEDULE', '0 15 10 ? * *')
    schedule_values = parse_cron_string(CRON_STRING)
        "task_name": {
            "task": "app.tasks.task_function",
            "schedule": crontab(**schedule_values),

    Please note this is an example of how you can achieve this you may need to adjust as per your needs but as you describe this should meet the requirements.