
Fast implementation of complementary error function with 5-digit accuracy

[While this is a self-answered question, I will happily upvote and accept any alternative answer that either provides superior accuracy for the same amount of computational work or reduces the amount of computational work while maintaining the same level of accuracy.]

I have previously demonstrated how to compute the complementary error function erfcf() with a maximum error of less than three ulps. This can serve as a building block for additional functions, such as the CDF of the standard normal distribution Φ(x) = ½ erfc (-√½ x) or the Gaussian Q-function, Q(x) = 1-Φ(x) = ½ erfc (√½ x). However, for some use cases computation fully accurate to single precision is not needed while the contribution of erfc() evaluations to total run-time is not negligible.

The literature provides various low-accuracy approximations to the complementary error function, but they are either limited to a subset of the full input domain, or optimized for absolute error, or computationally too complex, for example by requiring multiple invocations of transcendental functions. How could one go about implementing erfcf() with high performance and with a relative accuracy of about 5 decimal digits across the entire input domain?


  • How could one go about implementing erfcf() with high performance and with a relative accuracy of about 5 decimal digits across the entire input domain?

    This answer, like OP's answer, does achieve about 5 decimal digits relative accuracy*1. To achieve at least 5 likely obliges another term in the rational polynomial - which I doubt will slow the performance much.

    Special values

    In addition to performance and accuracy, the result of a my_erfc(x) for select values should be considered.

    For x near 0.0, the result should be 1.0 exactly. This follows principle of least surprise.

    Example: A user may readily rely on my_cos(0.0) == 1.0, or my_exp(0.0) == 1.0, so should my_erfc(0.0) == 1.0

    Fortunately this is not hard to accomplish when a rational polynomial is used with coefficients of 1.0. See below.

    Take advantage of the linear region

    About 45% of all float are such that the erfc() is a simple linear equation with high accuracy.

    #define TWO_OVER_ROOT_PI 1.1283791670955125738961589031215f
    #define ERFC_SMALL 0.0053854f
    float fast_erfcf_alt(float x) {
      if (fabsf(x) < ERFC_SMALL) {
        return 1.0f - TWO_OVER_ROOT_PI * x;

    Define performance rating

    One could rate code in a worst case, what is the slowest for all float x?

    I suspect OP is more interested in an assessment from x= 0.0 up to when erfc(x) is 0.0 (~x == 10) in a linear progression.

    Sample performance results and test code follows. Of course, hard to beat the C library's crafted code.

    0 time: 0.594  erfcf (Library function)
    1 time: 0.703  fast_erfcf (OP's answer)
    2 time: 0.688  fast_erfcf_alt (This answer)
    int main(void) {
      float (*f[3])(float) = {erfcf, fast_erfcf, fast_erfcf_alt };
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        clock_t c0, c1;
        c0 = clock();
        float dx = 10.0f - nextafterf(10, 0);
        for (float x = 10.0f; x >= 0.0f; x -= dx) {
        c1 = clock();
        printf("%d time: %g\n", i, (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    Following code is modeled after OP self answer and incorporates ideas mentioned above.

    #define TWO_OVER_ROOT_PI 1.1283791670955125738961589031215f
    #define ERFC_SMALL 0.0053854f
    float fast_erfcf_alt(float x) {
      if (fabsf(x) < ERFC_SMALL) {
        return 1.0f - TWO_OVER_ROOT_PI * x;
      float a, c, e, p, q, r, s;
      a = fabsf(x);
      c = fminf(a, 10.5f);
      s = -c * c;
      e = expf(s);
    #else // USE_BUILTIN_EXP
        e = my_expf (s);
    #endif // USE_BUILTIN_EXP
      q = 0.374177223624056f;
      p = -5.00032254520701E-05f;
      q = q * c + 1.29051354328887f;
      p = p * c + 0.212358010453875f;
      q = q * c + 1.84437448399707f;
      p = p * c + 0.715675302663111f;
      q = q * c + 1.0f;
      p = p * c + 1.0f;
      r = e / q;
      r = r * p;
      if (x < 0.0f)
        r = 2.0f - r;
      if (isnan(x))
        r = x + x;
      return r;

    Note: I'd consider eliminating c = fminf(a, 10.5f);.

    This code's error results using OP's answer test harness.
    (#define USE_FMA (0) and #define USE_BUILTIN_EXP (1)).

    It's relative error (1.20e-05) vs. OP's error (1.06e-05) is primarily due to using 1.0 in both polynomials p and q.

    Other code could use OP's answer's p and q and this answer's if (fabs(x) < ERFC_SMALL) for a best of both. Additional work needed to see how well the linear and rational polynomial sections meet.

     * This answer
     * max rel err = 1.203212e-05 @  9.19353199e+00
     * max abs err = 9.690295e-06 @ -7.19872937e-02
     * max ulp err = 1.877379e+02 @  8.03564072e+00
     * OP's answer
     * max rel err = 1.061202e-05 @  4.35268253e-01
     * max abs err = 9.398669e-06 @ -9.19871107e-02
     * max ulp err = 1.755724e+02 @  2.46583080e+00

    As an extra, below is a graphical view of OP's error over the [0... ~10] range. I found it illuminating to show where errors develop.

    erfc error

    *1 Low relative accuracy is not possible in the sub-normal range of answers.