
SublimeText disable ruler on console

I use ruler on SublimeText at column 80.

But it also shows up in the SublimeText console (actually a little to the left). Can we hide the ruler here?

enter image description here


  • That does not look like the console; the console in Sublime has an input widget along the bottom for you to enter console commands into.

    That looks instead like a Terminus panel instead.

    If that's the case, if you use Preferences > Package Settings > Terminus > Settings to open the settings window, you can add the following setting to turn off rules (or alternately, set them to some other value, etc)

            // "font_face": "Iosevka Term SS09",
            "rulers": []

    The settings in this object are applied to all terminus views that open; so you can as seen in this example, also change the font_face, font_size or other settings specific to the Terminus window.

    As a side note, the reason the ruler doesn't line up the same spot in the console as it does above is that the console doesn't have a gutter area in it, so it doesn't have as much horizontal space.