
Java GraphQLTester throwing java.lang.AssertionError: No matching errors

I have a Java 21 Spring Boot 3.2 application with GraphQL. I have several APIs, and am writing integration tests for them each. The basic flow is Controller class -> Service class -> Client class. When I try to test throwing an exception, I get the following error:

java.lang.AssertionError: No matching errors.

My basic structure is:

query getTheInfo($id: String)
        id: $id
public class MyController {
    private final MyService service;
    public MyController(MyService service) {
        this.service = service;

    public String getTheInfo(@Argument String id) {
        return service.getTheInfo(id);
public class MyService {
    private final MyClient myClient;

    public MyService(MyClient myClient) {
        this.myClient = myClient;

    public String getTheInfo(String id) {
        return myClient.getTheInfo(id);
public class MyClient {

    public String getTheInfo(String id) throws MyCustomException {
        return "the info";


And then my test class:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.graphql.GraphQlTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import org.springframework.graphql.execution.ErrorType;
import org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyList;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;

@Import({MyService.class, MyClient.class})
class MyControllerTest {

    private GraphQlTester graphQlTester;

    private MyClient myClient;

    void testGetTheInfo_ThrownException() {
        doThrow(new MyCustomException("myClient getTheInfo error"))

                .variable("id", "TEST_id")
                .expect(exception -> {
                    assertEquals("[MyCustomException]: myClient getTheInfo error", exception.getMessage());
                    return true;


The error is on the .expect(exception -> { line. I have a similar test that returns a String correctly, and that test passes. But trying to test throwing an exception is not working. Here is the full error:

java.lang.AssertionError: No matching errors.
Request: document='query getTheInfo($id: String)
        id: $id
', variables={id=TEST_id}
    at org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultGraphQlTester$DefaultRequest.lambda$assertDecorator$3(
    at org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultGraphQlTester$ResponseDelegate.expectErrors(
    at org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultGraphQlTester$DefaultResponse.expect(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
    at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: No matching errors.
    at org.springframework.test.util.AssertionErrors.assertTrue(
    at org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultGraphQlTester$ResponseDelegate.lambda$expectErrors$0(
    at org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultGraphQlTester$DefaultRequest.lambda$assertDecorator$3(
    ... 6 more

Edit: Here is my Custom GraphQL exception handler:

public class MyGraphQLExceptionHandler extends DataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter {

     * Custom formatting for GraphQL exception handling. Without this, the response does not contain relevant information.
     * @param ex the exception to resolve
     * @param env the environment for the invoked {@code DataFetcher}
     * @return the formatted GraphQLError
    protected GraphQLError resolveToSingleError(@NonNull Throwable ex, @NonNull DataFetchingEnvironment env) {
        Map<String, Object> extensions = new HashMap<>();
        ErrorType errorType;

        switch (ex) {
            case NotFoundException notFoundException -> {
                errorType = ErrorType.NOT_FOUND;

            case MyCustomException myCustomException -> {
                errorType = ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR;

            case HttpClientErrorException httpException -> {
                errorType = ErrorType.BAD_REQUEST;
                extensions.put(STATUS_CODE, httpException.getStatusCode().value());

            case HttpServerErrorException httpException -> {
                errorType = ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR;
                extensions.put(STATUS_CODE, httpException.getStatusCode().value());

            default -> errorType = ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR;

        return GraphqlErrorBuilder.newError()
                .message("[" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage())



  • Figured it out. I accidentally had @GraphQlTest(MyControllerTest.class) instead of @GraphQlTest(MyController.class). It works as expected now.