The App i created works fine on emulator or when debugging it via usb cabel in debug mode.
To share the apk with my friends i run flutter build apk
i upload the apk in build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk to google drive.
then i download the apk on my android and install it.
I send data via UDP to some device in my local network.
How ever the apk installed manually doesnt work. It will not send the data.
class UdpService {
RawDatagramSocket? sender;
static Future<UdpService> create() async {
var udpService = UdpService();
print("Creating UDP Service");
udpService.sender =
await RawDatagramSocket.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, 31103)
.catchError(() => print("============= Error"));
print("Created UDP Service");
return udpService;
Future<void> sendIntegerViaUDP(
String value, String port, String ipadr) async {
if (sender == null) {
print("Sender is null");
var data = int.parse(value);
var dataLength =
sender!.send([data], InternetAddress(ipadr), int.parse(port));
print("$dataLength bytes sent via port $port to host $ipadr");
void dispose() {
So what i think, the code works only on debug mode apk.
What is the reason for that and can i make it work?
make sure that you add the internet permission on <your_project>/android/app/src/main\AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest xmlns:android="...">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>